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window restoration
home & Property owners

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Having worked for many years in state parks prior to starting her first business, Willamette Window Restoration, Julie Whalen grew naturally into appreciating and wanting to protect our historic resources. She was drawn deeper into this interest when she became manager of a historic property, Thompsons Mill, in 2008 and had to manage the complete restoration of this property 

 Her long career within the State parks began in 1992- working at an entry level in the field. At her retirement in 2016, after 25 years, she was Park Manager of seventy properties in varying states of development with an annual budget of over one million dollars. She came up through state parks by learning and growing on the job, something she is proud to have brought to this business.

we are deeply passionate about historic preservation and saving America’s old windows.

 Vinyl windows, made from Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) emit gases that are harming the environment; in a house fire, they release toxic amounts of dioxin. Restoring windows protects our environment and can provide you with the same if not more energy efficiency as vinyl.

and it is a pleasure to restore them to life

There is beauty and functionality in old wood, old glass, and hardware

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"The windows look great and the storms went on without a hitch. It's so much more sustainable to reuse the windows we had rather than put them in the landfill. Thank you! Also, using these windows have kept the "cute" factor high from the curb!"

"It is so much more SUSTAINABLE to reuse the windows we had than put them in the landfill"

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 Natural beauty